Association de Sauvegarde du


The KIT-M trail

Our Association has just created and installed a guided KIT-M trail on the site, under the aegis of the Communauté de Communes du Bassin Coutançais and Coutances Tourisme Portes du Cotentin, and in collaboration with Manche Numérique.  Once you have downloaded the application you will have access to a substantial archive of information wherever you are, even without internet access.


For performers in this trail, hover your mouse over the word "Credits"

A   number of oak posts marking the smartphone trail points have been installed on the site this Spring.

The arrival of the trail markers.⇒
Installation The result

The markers incorporate QR Codes, strange little squares that contain information which usually allow the user to connect to an internet address. The KIT-M applications allow these codes to be scanned directly but a number of independent applications also exist that allow all codes encountered to be scanned.

An example of a QR code.  

The markers also include NFC chips which allow smartphones equipped with contactless technology to access the same information by passing the smartphone over the chip. This is the same technology that allows a smartphone to replace a credit card for payments.

  Contactless payment by NFC chip

The site of Gavray Castle has now been equipped with 14 trail points which provide information regarding the various constructions which have left their mark on the site and the various historical periods covering the occupation of the castle. We invite you to come and discover the site but don’t forget to download the KIT-M application and the Gavray Castle Trail beforehand. By pre-installing the application you can save time on-site and you will avoid adding to your phone bill.

If you don’t have time or are unable to pre-install the application at home, then you can do so at the tourist office in Coutances or at the tourist information office in Gavray (located next to the Mayor’s office).

The trail of the castle of Gavray  
The layout of the terminals

Come to discover them on the site but beforehand do not forget to download the application KIT-M and the course of the castle of Gavray.
This preload can be carried out :

At home, it will avoid you waiting times on the site and will also allow you to save your package internet ;

In Coutances Tourism in Portes du Cotentin, Place Georges Leclerc 50200 COUTANCES 33 (0) 2 33 19 08 10 ;

At the Gavray Tourist Information Office, Place de la Bascule 33 (0) 2 33 50 10 10

You can also get the course map and more information by clicking HERE

Enjoy your visit and if you wish to support our efforts you can either:

- Become a member of the Association (annual membership €15) by clicking HERE

- By making a donation. Cheque to be made payable to the :

Association for the Preservation of Gavray Castle, Mairie de Gavray, 50450 Gavray


Ce parcours a été réalisé grâce à la collaboration de :
Production :
Association de sauvegarde du château de Gavray
Réalisation :
Manche Numérique – Jean François Gérault
Scénario et dialogues :
Jean François Gérault– Patrick Perrichet
Enregistrements :
Charwan Production
Logistique :
Bernard Hebert – Philippe de Quatrebarbes – Jean François Gérault – Patrick Perrichet
Relations publiques :
Martial Defoy
Traductions :
Rhoda Allanic – David Gardiner – Hans Theo Siepe
Interprètes :
Version française : Guylaine Joyeux, Chantal Gardiner, Martial Defoy, Anne Sophie Deguelle, Gérard Mondin.
Version anglaise : Rhoda Allanic, David Gardiner, Karen Morgan, Gilles Morgan.
Version allemande : Hans Théo Siepe, Hartmut Keller, Ingrit Lutz, Karin Siepe.

« Le château de Gavray – histoire et visite du site archéologique » de Jocelyne LEPARMENTIER – Editions Eurocibles
« Gavray-Hambye » - histoire et monuments d’un canton bas-normand » de Bernard Beck – Editions OCEP
« Gavray et son château » de Onfroy de Tracy

et, avec le soutien de Créavenir.